Monday, October 02, 2006

The Irony Is Too Rich…

I had to share this article on one more way the free world is bowing to terrorism:

…even for me.

The Spanish, vying with the Fwench to bear the standard of the ignoble white flag, have decided to change the way they celebrate their freedom from Muslim oppression, by…well, voluntarily bowing to Muslim oppression.

MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish villages are toning down traditional fiestas in which revelers blow up dummies representing the Prophet Mohammed for fear of offending Muslims, the newspaper El Pais reported on Monday.

One eastern Spanish village, Bocairent, decided to abandon the custom of packing the head of a dummy representing Mohammed with fireworks after seeing the angry response by Muslims to a Danish newspaper's publication last year of cartoons of him.

El Pais found that several other villages in the Valencia region had also modified similar fiestas this year. It carried out the investigation after a Berlin opera house decided last week to cancel performances of Mozart's "Idomeneo" because the production included a scene depicting Mohammed's severed head.

Bocairent's mayor, Antonio Valdes, said blowing up the Mohammed dummy was offensive. "It just wasn't necessary, and, as it could hurt some people's feelings, we decided not to do it," he said.

Nevermind that Spain has celebrated their Reconquista with such traditions for over 500 years! Mass insanity on the part of outraged Muslims is not something any Spaniard is willing to stomach apparently. Dhimmitude is alive and well in Spain.

Are you living a life that bows to the devil, or are you standing up for freedom and those who do?

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