Friday, January 29, 2010

Eric Standlee's book Alternative Funding is on Kindle

Alternative Funding: Bootstrap Your Company; The Self-Sustaining Business Model (Kindle Edition)

Since September, 2008, startups, small and medium sized business-to-business companies have struggled to get the funding they need from traditional funding sources like banks.
For some that struggle means eventual failure. For those who know about alternative funding, the flexibility to grow despite the down economy looms large on the horizon. Land Ho!
I often speak in the Houston business community about social media and driving revenue.  I am often asked if I have published a book.  This is my very first book.  It is the first in a long line of books.

Grab it while you can still get it for $4.99.
Eric Standlee

Monday, January 18, 2010

Right to Bear Arms

Share this with everyone you know
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not." ~Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Everything Super Talkcast

I have the distinct pleasure of helping to host the Everything Super Talkcast:

Please subscribe, and fan us at:

But, listen to the shows we have up there too.

Eric Standlee