Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Do you know of any $1-10MM in revenue B2B companies that might be for sale USA nation-wide? Or any Biz Brokers who'd like to help us?

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Featured Events 11-1-11+

Hope you had a great weekend and wonderful Monday. Did you get alot of candy?

Have you RSVP'd for 11-09-11? Be sure to invite all of your friends to these featured events:

There is a link after you click this image on the right hand side that says "share on LinkedIn". It should allow you to share it with your friends and groups on LinkedIn.

Eric Standlee




PS. How can I help you get more out of InHouston? Grow your business? Connect you to the right people? If we haven't made time for a 1on1, why not?

Do me a favor and hit reply to this email and then change the "To:" to and let me know you got this email? Just reply, change the address to and send if you would. That will help us get a handle on how many are receiving this email.

Just created the InHouston app - check it out on any phone!

Just created the InHouston app - check it out on any phone!: Just created the InHouston app - check it out on any phone!