Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The night before Christmas and all through the house rang out sound of "Happy Birthday Wakayo" even from our mouse. Remember how blessed you are that you don't have the same birthday as my wife.
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Monday, December 15, 2008


Does our government really know what's best for us?  They seem to be making more and more collectively bad decisions like this one:





No Crosses
















You see in the news last week where the supreme
Court doesn't want any crosses on Federal


On Federal Property?




Well duh...
(Scroll Down)














Them try and remove these.  





Are these people thinking?




What point do we say, enough  is







Messages just need to be forwarded and this is most certainly one of Them. 






This is spitting on the graves of millions of men buried with honors for having made the ultimate sacrifice.

I don't care what your religion is.  I am not religious.  I don't believe there is any salvation in humanism nor religion of any type.

But, I am a strong believer that people without God do selfish things like this.

More importantly, we definitely don't have the money to carry out this stupid court order on all federal property.  Come on kids.  There are more important things to deal with here like the usurping of constitutional law with foreign laws.

Eric Standlee

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Funding needs high -- Staffing

Hi gang,

I recommend cold calling lightly, but no other industry touches so many workers than one: Staffing.

I highly recommend getting introduced to staffing firms through your network.  You could use a simple email like this to ask your address book"

I am looking for referrals into staffing firms.  They are really feeling the credit crunch and are faced with not taking on more temp deals, or even laying off. We can fund them so they can grow and keep employing temps.

Financially, here's what is causing this as far as I can see.  Banks aren't able to sell their commercial loans off on secondary markets to keep their loan to deposits ratio.  In fact, regulators are asking banks to sell off good loans to get their ratios in balance.

So, good loans have assets against them.  Commercial loans to staffing firms have very little they can have as assets pledged against them.  Thus, the earliest loans to be capped or even terminated are such loans.

So, if a new staffing firm is looking for a commercial loan from a bank it is nearly impossible to get.  If an established staffing firm gets a call from the bank that their line has been reduced, capped or canceled, they have to figure something out very quickly.

So, if you can get introduced to the decision makers at small medium and even large firms, it would be a very helpful conversation.

If we can help staffing firms find temp jobs for those getting laid off, then we can do something to help the country through this crisis.

I approach each funding conversation with this kind of passion because it really is important for our economy to have as few layoffs as possible, and have those laid off re-employed as soon as possible.

We were talking with the owner of a staffing firm and his impression is that he is seeing much fewer permanent placements and a large increase in requests for contract or temporary placements.  The economics for this are simple.  The firms need bodies, but they cannot pledge year end budgets to large salaries.  When they contract to hire someone they actually get invoiced for labor done, then wait 30-60-90 days before they pay the temp firm.  This staffing firm is essentially funding their clients who are taking advantage of the time value of money.  Unless these staffing firms have lots of cash reserves, there is an upper limit to the number of contracts they can handle.

This firm actually had a line for $100K and had maxed that out, so they couldn't tap that for more cash to payroll their clients.  In this case, the solution is to get the silent partner to pay off that loan to free up the firm's accounts receivable for factoring so that the managing partner could accelerate growth and thus accelerate pay-down of the silent partner's loan to pay off the $100k.  This way, the managing partner gets the albatross of a liability off their neck and empowers the firm to grow as fast as they can take on contract work.  They then factor the a/r and make their 30 day nut, and they don't have to worry about how long their new contract clients take to pay.  This way they can turn their dollar quicker and capture the market.

For firms that are growing this is a perfect solution.  For firms that wouldn't grow one iota in a year, it may not be.

So, ask your network who they know in staffing they can introduce you to.  Then, let's all roll up our sleeves and cold-call on some if we have to in order to make a difference for our economy.

Eric Standlee

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Simplify Media - Connect Your Music

Simplify Media - Connect Your Music

I am sharing this because it works on pc, mac, linux and iphone, and because I use it.

I have it installed at my mother's house on a computer I have music on. Instead of moving the music, I just listen to it using SM miles away in my home. I open Rhythmbox in my Ubuntu Linux computer and there it is.

Eric Standlee