Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Android 2.3 on my AT&T Inspire

I just about pee'd.  Since I upgraded the Inspire to Android 2.3, I hadn't tried the netflix app until today.  It works and plays videos in my phone!!!

Is there anything else I should try?

I love listening to BIGG Success

These two have a great show. Have you listened?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Have you always wanted to tell Eric Standlee what you thought about him, good, bad or otherwise?

Now you can:

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Special Announcement September 2011 Job Fair

InHouston and InCity Networks has announced a Healthcare Job Fair to kick off a series of general industry job fairs. This Healthcare Job Fair will be held at the historic Houston Club of 1894 at 811 Rusk. For more information click the link.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

InHouston 9/11 Healthcare Job Fair

Our Healthcare Job Fair is really coming together.

Still need:


Exhibitors (limted spaces available)


Monday, August 01, 2011

Frozen Banana

Liquid Refrigerater Chocolate

Protein Powder

Ice Cubes

Almond Milk

Mix in blender and serve to eat.

Great during a hot summer Houston, Texas day.

Have you found your WOW Factor