Oct 17, 2006 (2 days ago)More Groovy Featurettes
In our haste to tell you about some recent enhancements, we missed a few. (What can we say, things move mighty fast around here - three of our developers have already showed up for work tomorrow). Fresh off the FeedBurner "Check this when it's done" list are the following free featurettes available for your immediate use:
Digg This, now dynamic-ized
We've been working directly with the team from Digg to create an official and dynamic version of this popular FeedFlare. Now, the "Digg This!" FeedFlare reflects the latest number of Diggs and comments. If your post has been dugg and people have commented, your FeedFlare link will reflect it.Sphere FeedFlare has been upgraded
Do you want your readers to easily discover blog posts related to your content? The awesome crew at Sphere have upgraded some code to now reflect the most recent number of related items. The FeedFlare link will look like this in your feed or on your site: "Sphere: N posts on similar topics." No related posts for an item? The link will not appear because it's smart like that.Activate both the Digg and Sphere FeedFlares from the "Optimize" tab with FeedBurner. Here's a screenshot for you visual folks:
Need help FeedFlare-ing?
All of this FeedFlare talk might have you thinking, "How can I make one?" Eric has written some instructions for creating a parameterized FeedFlare unit of your very own. Use FeedFlare to:Fabulously easy! We have plans to make the FeedFlare creation process much easier, but in the meantime, you can find additional FeedFlare documentation and a handy interactive Scratchpad on our site.
- Cross-promote another property. Check out Om Malik's static FeedFlare in his FeedBurner feed.
- Run a house promotion.
- Create aStore in Amazon. Steve shows you how .
- You can even use FeedFlare to sell a sponsored text link.
Third-party extension
Steve Smith, our knight in shining armor, has updated his ordered list plugin for WordPress. The plugin will detect all ways to access your feed (e.g. or, etc.), and redirect them to your FeedBurner feed so you can track every possible subscriber. It will redirect your main posts feed, and optionally your main comments feed as well. If you have a WordPress blog and are looking for an simple way to take advantage of FeedBurner services, Steve's plugin is the "it" plugin for you.Show the world you're hot for FeedBurner
Hey, sometimes you may feel like giving back and to you, we say "Thanks!" If you're bursting with FeedBurner fanhood, we are pleased to offer the following:
- New Chicklets - Now you can find
under the Chicklet Chooser within the "Publicize" tab.
- FeedBurner Shmoogies - New and vinyl FeedBurner stickers are in. They're more shiny and sturdy. We'll even throw in a button if you mail us a self-addressed stamped envelope to adorn our kitchen. Requests should be sent to:
FeedBurner (note the big "B"!)
Attn: I Want a Sticker!
549 W. Randolph, 6th floor
Chicago, IL 60661
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