Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Fwd: Audacious Faith

This was forwarded from a very close friend and I thought it perfect for us.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan Miller -- 48 Days
1. Audacious Faith
We have had an abundance of unusual birds at our house in the last couple of weeks. A Baltimore Oriole and a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak have attempted to come in my office window. I always stop to watch, listen and learn.

My favorite is still the eagle. In both the Hebrew and Christian faiths the eagle represents the flight of the soul to heaven. It is the symbol of faith � the connection with the seen and the unseen. With any growth or change, there comes the inevitable time when a step of faith is required. �The greatest of miracles is that we need not be tomorrow what we are today, but we can improve if we make use of the potentials implanted in us by God.� � Rabbi Samuel M. Silver

Remember in the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark � The Last Crusade, Harrison Ford comes to that impassable chasm. Yet the goal was on the other side and he had clearly been led to this point. With heart pounding and sweat beads breaking out all over his body, he closed his eyes to numb the uncertainty and anticipated crash to the rocks below, but still stepped out � and the path appeared. He knew he was on the right path, but a bold �step of faith� was required in order for him to continue. In every worthwhile personal or business venture, there comes the time of that required step of faith. Those things clearly predictable are not likely notable. Real success blends faith and reason.

Interviewing for a new job, negotiating for a raise or starting a business all require that step of faith. But without moving into new territory we will never experience anything better than where we are now.

The eagle goes where no other bird goes. It embraces storms as leverage to go higher � not as an excuse to cower in fear. Fear of failure paralyzes action. Confidence is learned by taking specific action. To think confidently, act confidently. Plan to win � prepare to win � expect to win.

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." II Tim. 1:7

Eric Standlee

1 comment:

Steven Walle said...

Eric Standlee, that is a wonderful teaching. Fear and faith cannot coexist in the same body. A great way to grow one's faith is to read the Word of God out loud. In Romans 10: 17, we read, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." So if we read a loud dayly from The Word our faith will be strengthened. God Bless You Eric
In His Grip
Steven Walle