Thursday, September 06, 2007

Houston Speed Networking Event

There is a serious need for a Houston City-wide business speed networking event.

I sat down with some professional networkers recently in Houston via my connections on LinkedIn and heard about speed networking for the first time.  It is kinda like speed dating but not speed dating.

There is a definite need for a regular event like this.

I am willing to regularly meet for now at the Panera @ Cutten and 1960 in Northwest Houston every Monday morning at 7:30am for the foreseeable future.  And, if that time and place don't work, I am willing to meet at other times and places around Houston until one event sticks and starts working.

Come on Houston!  Let's get together and network.

If you want to know more, let's connect.  Go to and invite me to connect to you.  Follow the instructions to "add Eric to your network" and I will most definitely connect with you.

I personally believe that like Ferrazzi said in Never Eat Alone, your network is like a muscle not a pie.


Eric Standlee
713.690.8877 x205

"Posture is hard to get when your taught,
but when around those with it is easily caught."

"Prospered not to increase my standard of living,
but to increase my standard of giving."

"Many, many people avoid Giant Slaying.  
Worse - they don't even  know certain Giants exist.  
Those who are not accomplishing  much in life don't have to worry about Giants."
Tim Darnell

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