Thursday, May 24, 2007


Dan Patrick

Senator « District 7

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Now we know who supports

appraisal caps in the Texas Senate


Early Wednesday morning, the Senate heard a bill by Senator Glenn Hegar dealing with property owners who property may not be appraised annually.  The bill was clean-up of current law, but Senator Patrick recognized an opportunity to amend the bill by adding in language on lowering the current appraisal cap from 10% to 5%.


Senator Patrick had other bills on the exact subject, but all died in committee.  When Sen. Patrick took the floor to introduce his amendment, the Senate melted down over the fact members were about to have to go on record about their support for appraisal caps.  Faced with intense pressure from fellow members to withdraw the amendment and various points of order from members who did not want to have to vote, Senator Patrick stood firm. 


Points of order were overruled and a vote was called.  When the dust settled appraisal caps finally their vote in the Texas Senate.  Although the amendment failed, victory was achieved.  The Texas Senate is now on record with who supports their local property tax paying home owners and who supports their local property tax spending politicians.


The blog " Lone Star Times" has a very informative write up about the issue and we would encourage you to read the article by clicking here.


Senator Patrick would like to thank those members of the Senate who joined him in standing up for the hard-working, tax-paying home owner.  Those members are:



Note: All the Democrats and ten other Republicans voted against the appraisal cap reduction amendment.

    pd pol ad Dan Patrick Campaign, Mike Jain, Treasurer
Post Office Box 70073
« Houston, Texas 77270 « 281-500-4665 « 281-667-3120 (fax)

This is important to me as a constituent of the state of Texas and a property tax payer.  I don't mind paying my taxes, but when you have to hire professionals to protect yourself from the government which is supposed to be on our side, it is a very scary era we live in.  It ain't Unle Sam any more, it more like Don Sam or General Kim ILK Sam.

Eric Standlee
713.690.8877 x205

1 comment:

Steven Walle said...

I whole heartedly agree with you Eric. I am also a tax payer in TX. There seems to be little protection from the government these days. I strongly erge tax payers to take those steps of action above. God Bless You
In His Grip
Steven Walle